Lady Shack keeps it 100! Dream, Believe, Achieve! Tips and Advice


Today is an awesome day! I know I haven't really written anything in a while but today I felt compelled to do so. Those of you who have been knowing me for years probably can remember when I use to send out spirited email blasts that were always filled with fire and passion, and today I felt like getting back to that.


My journey in the entertainment business has been an action packed, exhilarating roller-coaster ride! I am still that positive minded,ambitious, free spirited girl who came in the game with a sparkle in her eyes, and a brave, courageous heart that's determined to conquer the world. Although the more I accomplished the more I started to learn about people, relationships, and life period. My goal has always been to plant fertile seeds of knowledge, motivation, and belief in people's hearts and minds, because the environment where I came from it was so dilapidated that people's dreams never left their surroundings, and if your mind can't go further than what's around you then you're not really dreaming because dreams are limitless. 


I'm going to be honest with you guys the hardest thing to accomplish is turning your dreams into a reality and I'm going to tell you why. When attempting to turn a thought or an idea into a reality there are a lot of obstacles that you will have to fight through and overcome. The first thing that's likely to happen is that the people closest around you may try to convince you that you can't do it, or that you're crazy, but don't let that stop you because with real family and friends once they see that you're serious about what you're doing they will support and be proud of you.


Secondly you may run across people that's in the field in which you are trying to get into that are seasoned and may feel threatened by new blood. These people are going to definitely make it hard for you because it wasn't easy for them to get in their position and they've probably seen a million people attempt to get in and they fell off so they're going to weed out the weaklings. Now if you stay focused on what you're doing and your plan there's nothing that this person or people can do, actually they are helping you because this is going to make you stronger and someday as you rise to build your resume and making accomplishments this person too may not ever like you but will respect your efforts, drive, and work ethic.


I'm going to wrap this thing up because I have to get back to chasing and following my dream. After reading this the most important piece of advice that I can give you is that in business watch the people that you bring into your circle. I'm very serious, you will never know what's going on behind close doors with Diddy when he's negotiating his Ciroc distribution, or how the publishing is being split between artists, your circle has to be tight. Crabs can tear down your whole empire, all it takes is one bad seed. There are people who will come around just to take your contacts, your clients, or to find out your business so that they can go back and tell everyone. I'm telling you do a thorough check on people before you allow them to be in your life. Hope you guys have a wonderful and blessed day! Love you!



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